Well that's that then

Sunday, May 16, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

With the election over I don't really need to keep this blog going, it done its job by letting me go off on one during the campaign but with that behind us and the new group hug politics it feels a little out of place. Thanks to those who read it....both of you. I'll be blogging here in future, trying and probably failing to be a little more positive.

....and then they were gone.

Thursday, May 13, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

So despite their desperate attempts to defy the people and hang on to power they've finally gone and good riddance to them. The damage they have done to this country is immense, not just financially but socially as well. A large part of a whole generation have been brainwashed, they don't value freedom and they have no self respect, they're happy for others to think for and support them. The task facing our all new shiny government is huge, they need to introduce Browns client state to realities of life, it won't be easy but once these people see how liberating self-sufficiency is they won't want a return to Nanny Labour. It won't be pretty and many will scream and complain but in the long run they and the rest of us will be all the better for it. Also tackling Britains social ills will help tackle to deficit and lower our debt.

The cost of Labours broken society isn't just the welfare bill. It's a burden on our NHS, they have to fix these people up when they do something stupid or just end up ill because of the horrendous lifestyle they lead. Our social services are also put under strain dealing with dysfunctional families, they should be there to help those in need of support through no fault of their own. Our police and courts are overwhelmed by a generation who have no understanding of personal responsibility and respect for others.It's tempting to write this lot off and start again with our nations kids, that would be wrong and cowardly, also without locking them all away somewhere they will still be a big problem.

We've a long road ahead, we didn't manage to convince the people that we should be allowed to govern alone so teaming up with the Lib Dems is the best option for the country (the interests of the party must come second in these dire times). We did OK in the vote when you consider the fact that the boundaries were bent and a huge number of people rely on the state for their living. We can fix Britain, not doing so would make us as bad as Labour. Ignore the screams of the left, they know once people stand on their own two feet the left have no reason to exist, by fixing Britain we rid it of the parasitic socialists.

Ed Miliband is The Godfather.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Someone has a sense of humour.

Do You Really Know Ed Balls?

Tuesday, May 04, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

What a scumbag this bloke is......

He's your typical champagne socialist, a total shit.

Video found via Torybear.

Labour are on the ropes, lets finish them.

Sunday, May 02, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

With less than a week to go until polling day Labours campaign is a terrible state. They've lost the support of every newspaper other than the Mirror, a paper that no one with brain cells numbering more than three reads anyway. Even the BBC seem to have given up on them, moving their bullshit machine firmly behind Clegg and his merry band of nutcases. The only thing stopping a near wipeout are the bent boundaries that desperately need fixing. So what can we do to rid the nation of these parasites once and for all? If the Tories win a majority then it's quite straightforward.....

Reform party funding so organisations (including the unions) and individuals are limited to donations of say £5,000 or less. The Tories have shown just how much can be raised in small amounts from ordinary people who believe in what we're doing.  "What about Ashcroft"? Labour supporters will dribble, the fact is we could have done well without his money. 

We need to get the boundaries changed so they more accurately reflect the will of the people, the inbuilt bias towards Labour must be removed. We don't need PR, we just need to fix FPTP.

Come clean with the electorate about how bad the debt is, have it audited by an independent body so the figure is credible. Then when any of the necessary cuts are made we can lay the blame exactly where is should be laid, at the feet of the Labour party. Come the next election we can quite rightly tell the electorate that a vote for Labour will put us right back to square one and all the pain will have been for nothing. Browns debt mountain needs to become as toxic for Labour as Winter of Discontent was. 

We need to give people back their self respect, people should be proud to stand on their own two feet without state aid. This won't be easy, too many people have become comfortable with being nannied and like children they will kick and scream when nanny state is first taken away. Over time though as in the eighties people will start to appreciate just how liberating being independent of the state is, they won't want to give that independence away.  

Roll back Labours police state, we need to show the people that they won't get blown up by Johnny Jihad if the council aren't allowed to poke through their bins. Show people evidence that CCTV doesn't work, the evidence is out there. Make people understand the real reasons for Labours behaviour, a need to control rather than a need to protect. Show Labour up for the sinister bunch of bastards that they are.

Stay on the middle ground, don't give it up to Labour. With the Lib Dems taking up space on the left the only place for Labour would be to the left of the Lib Dems and from there they would be unelectable. 

Deal with the BBC, we need an independent investigation into the left wing bias at the BBC. Making people doubt the BBCs credibility will force them to change.

Do this and we leave Labour in a very dark place, we free the nation from the threat of Labour parasites once again bringing this country to it's knees.

Feel free to post any ideas you might have. Labour supporters please feel free to piss off, not interested in your opinion.