Well that's that then

Sunday, May 16, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

With the election over I don't really need to keep this blog going, it done its job by letting me go off on one during the campaign but with that behind us and the new group hug politics it feels a little out of place. Thanks to those who read it....both of you. I'll be blogging here in future, trying and probably failing to be a little more positive.

....and then they were gone.

Thursday, May 13, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

So despite their desperate attempts to defy the people and hang on to power they've finally gone and good riddance to them. The damage they have done to this country is immense, not just financially but socially as well. A large part of a whole generation have been brainwashed, they don't value freedom and they have no self respect, they're happy for others to think for and support them. The task facing our all new shiny government is huge, they need to introduce Browns client state to realities of life, it won't be easy but once these people see how liberating self-sufficiency is they won't want a return to Nanny Labour. It won't be pretty and many will scream and complain but in the long run they and the rest of us will be all the better for it. Also tackling Britains social ills will help tackle to deficit and lower our debt.

The cost of Labours broken society isn't just the welfare bill. It's a burden on our NHS, they have to fix these people up when they do something stupid or just end up ill because of the horrendous lifestyle they lead. Our social services are also put under strain dealing with dysfunctional families, they should be there to help those in need of support through no fault of their own. Our police and courts are overwhelmed by a generation who have no understanding of personal responsibility and respect for others.It's tempting to write this lot off and start again with our nations kids, that would be wrong and cowardly, also without locking them all away somewhere they will still be a big problem.

We've a long road ahead, we didn't manage to convince the people that we should be allowed to govern alone so teaming up with the Lib Dems is the best option for the country (the interests of the party must come second in these dire times). We did OK in the vote when you consider the fact that the boundaries were bent and a huge number of people rely on the state for their living. We can fix Britain, not doing so would make us as bad as Labour. Ignore the screams of the left, they know once people stand on their own two feet the left have no reason to exist, by fixing Britain we rid it of the parasitic socialists.

Ed Miliband is The Godfather.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Someone has a sense of humour.

Do You Really Know Ed Balls?

Tuesday, May 04, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

What a scumbag this bloke is......

He's your typical champagne socialist, a total shit.

Video found via Torybear.

Labour are on the ropes, lets finish them.

Sunday, May 02, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

With less than a week to go until polling day Labours campaign is a terrible state. They've lost the support of every newspaper other than the Mirror, a paper that no one with brain cells numbering more than three reads anyway. Even the BBC seem to have given up on them, moving their bullshit machine firmly behind Clegg and his merry band of nutcases. The only thing stopping a near wipeout are the bent boundaries that desperately need fixing. So what can we do to rid the nation of these parasites once and for all? If the Tories win a majority then it's quite straightforward.....

Reform party funding so organisations (including the unions) and individuals are limited to donations of say £5,000 or less. The Tories have shown just how much can be raised in small amounts from ordinary people who believe in what we're doing.  "What about Ashcroft"? Labour supporters will dribble, the fact is we could have done well without his money. 

We need to get the boundaries changed so they more accurately reflect the will of the people, the inbuilt bias towards Labour must be removed. We don't need PR, we just need to fix FPTP.

Come clean with the electorate about how bad the debt is, have it audited by an independent body so the figure is credible. Then when any of the necessary cuts are made we can lay the blame exactly where is should be laid, at the feet of the Labour party. Come the next election we can quite rightly tell the electorate that a vote for Labour will put us right back to square one and all the pain will have been for nothing. Browns debt mountain needs to become as toxic for Labour as Winter of Discontent was. 

We need to give people back their self respect, people should be proud to stand on their own two feet without state aid. This won't be easy, too many people have become comfortable with being nannied and like children they will kick and scream when nanny state is first taken away. Over time though as in the eighties people will start to appreciate just how liberating being independent of the state is, they won't want to give that independence away.  

Roll back Labours police state, we need to show the people that they won't get blown up by Johnny Jihad if the council aren't allowed to poke through their bins. Show people evidence that CCTV doesn't work, the evidence is out there. Make people understand the real reasons for Labours behaviour, a need to control rather than a need to protect. Show Labour up for the sinister bunch of bastards that they are.

Stay on the middle ground, don't give it up to Labour. With the Lib Dems taking up space on the left the only place for Labour would be to the left of the Lib Dems and from there they would be unelectable. 

Deal with the BBC, we need an independent investigation into the left wing bias at the BBC. Making people doubt the BBCs credibility will force them to change.

Do this and we leave Labour in a very dark place, we free the nation from the threat of Labour parasites once again bringing this country to it's knees.

Feel free to post any ideas you might have. Labour supporters please feel free to piss off, not interested in your opinion.

Labour Sinks to a New Low

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Labours campaign so far has been nothing but negativity and lies, we expect this from a party with no ideas and a record it's quite rightfully ashamed of. Now they've hit an all time low, never have I seen a PEB so disgusting that it actually targets the sick and tries to frighten them into voting Labour. Whoever came up with this should be  ashamed of themselves along with whoever Ok'd it and any of Labours drones who defend it.

If they think people will respond positively to this they are very much mistaken, the British people haven't sunk to the depths the Labour party have and will quite rightly be sickened by what they see on the screen. Iain Dale described them as cunts, I think he's wrong, a cunt is useful, something these scumbags certainly aren't. The end of this stinking party can't come soon enough, they've dragged the world of politics into the gutter. Anyone thinking of voting for this filthy party in May should think again, do you really want people capable of this running the country? Does anyone really think another five years of these parasites would be a good thing? If these bastards gave a shit about cancer sufferers they wouldn't try to frighten the shit out of them.

hat tip Iain Dale

Update from Mr Dale, unsurprisingly Labours claims are bollocks. 

So what now for Labour?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

As the election campaign rumbles on no one really knows what is going to happen come the May 6th, the only certainty is Labour will finish third on the popular vote with only the twisted boundaries keeping them from replacing the Lib Dems as the third party on the house. So what happened to this once proud party, have they become an irrelevance in modern Britain? For a start we should acknowledge that the thing holding power since 1997 isn't really the Labour party, it was hijacked by Blair and his Notting Hillbillies in the 90's. They never had any interest in the people and every decision was taken in the interest of the party rather than the nation. Now 13 years on they've run out of steam, every promise is treated with disbelief and even their own supporters know the game is up.

I do feel a little sorry for the true Labour supporters, those who'll be staying at home or voting Lib Dem in May, they've lost their party to a bunch of power mad shysters and they're unlikely to get it back. Those few Labourites still cheering Labour on are not genuine Labour people, most of them are just scared they'll have to work for a living. Labour have made the poor poorer, in fact they've made everyone but the mega rich worse off. They've turned the UK into something not a million miles away from a police state, given time they finish the job and we'll all be fucked. Our public services are no longer run for those who use them, rather they are just there to employ as many people as possible. The police serve the state instead of the people, never have I known such a distrust of our police from decent law abiding people.

I don't see a future for Labour, even if they join the Lib Dems in a stitch up after the election they won't be in control of the country and come the election after they will be punished for mess they've made, a mess they can hide for now but won't be able to for the next five years. If they lose the infighting will start, they're barely keeping it together now, I shudder to think what will happen come May 7th. The country has moved on, the need for a party like Labour doesn't exist in the way it did in the early part of the 20th century. They've only got themselves to blame, they traded their values for power and now they won't have either. Real Labour people should blame the morons who retweet prescotts nonsense, the ones never question the leadership, the ones in for what they can get and the ones who suck up to the leadership knowing that leadership really doesn't give a shit about them.

Goodbye Labour, you've done some good things since your formation. You once had people who wanted to do the right thing, shame they got replaced with people more concerned with lining their own pockets. You gave the nation some great politicians, shame you also gave us the warmonger Blair and the useless bastard Brown. You once stood up for the working man, shame you now rob him to pay the bone idle. You once stood up for the rights of our people, shame now you abuse them and treat us all as criminals. You were once a strong political force, shame these days you're nothing more than a gang of self serving bandits. You once wanted peace and to ban the bomb, now you bomb women and children in far off lands. You were once respected, now your loathed. You won't be missed.

No More Mr Nice Guy

Sunday, April 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

To their credit the Tories have run a pretty positive campaign, of course they've attacked their opponents but that has been rare and instead concentrating on their own message has been the order of the day. This would be great if we weren't up against a government desperate to hold to power at any cost, that are totally devoid of any morals and backed up by their Fib Dem pals who are just as bad. Enough is enough, we've let them get away with too much, the media aren't interested in positive messages, we're just pissing in the wind trying to get any kind of positive message across.

Petrol is at record highs thanks to tax and the weak pound, both Browns doing.
Crime hasn't come down, they've fiddled the figures.
Eight million people in this country are economically inactive.
Our national debt is crippling and our children will have to pay it off.
A quarter of our nations children leave school unable to read or write properly.
They are closing wards and A&E departments.
They took us to war killing a million people.
They sent our troops into battle with shitty equipment leaving many dead or maimed.
We're the most watched people on earth, the Chinese don't have it this bad.
They fingerprint our children and store DNA of the innocent.
They go through our bins looking for an excuse to fine us.
They use the justice system with it's fines as another source of revenue.
They insist taxation puts money into the economy instead of taking it out.

The list goes on and on, yet time and time again we say nothing. Brown lied his arse off during the TV debate and Cameron let him get away with it, there's no point in waiting for our useless media to pick up on these things, they couldn't find their own arse if it wasn't stuck on. We need to start putting the boot in, not just with Labour but also with Clegg the new media darling. The public feel the same level of contempt towards our out of touch media as they do the politicians, get the message out and ignore what the cretins in the media say about it. Speak directly to the people, ignore the self appointed commentators, the people do.

What started as a good positive campaign is turning into a cluster fuck of epic proportions, please... no more Mr Nice Guy.

The X-Factor Election and the Voting Floaters

Saturday, April 17, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Imagine this... A strange man no one knows appears before a nation, "trust me" he cries, he makes promises he can't keep to a people fed up with their lot, he tells them how only he can make everything better. He tells tales of their current rulers evil deeds and how he would never do the things they do. The people of this nation rise up and say "strange man, we nothing about you but here are the keys to our nation, do as you wish for the next five years". This would never happen of course, no nation is full of people that stupid. Well let me introduce you to the Great British public, a people who know more about reality TV than they do about those who govern them, a people happy to work hard so others don't have to, a people happy to be treated like criminals while actual lawbreakers are free to wonder the streets and terrorise the vulnerable, a people happy to watch their hard earned money wasted on grand projects that always fail and a people in whose name over a million Iraqis were slaughtered.

We know the type of people who'll vote Labour, they'll be the ones benefiting from Labours "rob from the working to give to the failures" fucked up Robin Hood policies. People like them have always been with us, only in more sensible times they were given the choice of pull your weight or go without. The question is where have all these people who hail Clegg as master of the universe come from? surely no one sane would base their vote on one TV appearance? I'd like to think it's just a few random nutters who won't vote anyway but watching Sky and the BBC interviewing floating voters I begin to wonder. Students voting Labour because their parents did or in one case "I'm voting for Brown because he's on the TV a lot" (I shit you not), a bloke who recently found himself out of work through Browns incompetence planning on voting Labour because "I like his economic policies", it goes on and on, hordes of people barely able to think for themselves. You can see these people desperately trying not to look like fuckwits and failing miserably, it's sad to see and surely not a good sign for the future of this country.

Those planning on voting UKIP are another source of bewilderment, why vote in a why that helps pro E.U Brown hold on to power before giving more of it away to those crooks in Brussels? "Cameron let us down over the E.U" they dribble, oblivious to the fact it was Labour and their Lib Dem cronies that stitched us up, the same people who'll benefit from every vote wasted on Farage and his merry band of nutjobs. On a positive note it's obvious there aren't as many of these fools it appears, just looking at comments on various newspaper websites you can tell a lot of them are labour trolls with nothing better to do.

So we're all doomed then? I don't think we are, yes the number of idiots in this country is at record levels but there remains enough normal people to turn this around. There are people who lie to pollsters, there are those never asked by pollsters and there are the large number of people sick to death of the parasitic left and who want to be left alone to look after their families away from the glare of a ever more intrusive state. These are the people who'll save us from this nightmare.

Browns Downfall

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Old news now but still fucking funny.

New Polls

Tuesday, March 02, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford


CON 39% (37)
LAB 32% (35)
LD 17%(17)


CON 37% (38)
LAB 32% (30)
LD 19% (20)

More here.

Another Five Years of McDoom?

Monday, March 01, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

A great video from the Tories.

Spring Forum 2010 - Day 1 Session 1

Saturday, February 27, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Watch live streaming video from conservatives at livestream.com

BBC in Real World Shocker.

Saturday, February 27, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

So New Labours media department otherwise known as the BBC is going to make a few cuts, of course not where they should be made but to Radio 6 and their online services. The more sensible thing to do would be to close BBC3 and merge BBC4 with BBC2, also sacking a lot of their overpaid useless management would help. I also notice they say the money will be "invested" elsewhere, no suggestion at all of passing the saving on to the poor buggers who fund this monstrosity. As with most left wing types they treat other peoples money as their own and aren't slightest bit bothered about spending it. What's really needed is the BBC to stick to PSB and leave the rest to the commercial stations, something is very wrong when our commercial broadcasters have to compete with a rival who has a guaranteed revenue stream. The BBC also need to start cutting salaries to give the others a chance, the last thing our struggling commerial broadcasters need is to have to compete with the BBC on wages.

Todays Times reports that the unions are threatening strike action and for a organisation full of lefties this comes as no great surprise, what I do expect is a refund on my TV tax if this does happen, I'm not in the habit of paying for things I don't get. Lets hope this gets real messy, let the public see their sense of self entitlement, it'll also get their constant left wing propaganda off the air for while.

Image from FreeBritain.

Gordon Brown - Kung Fu fighter

Thursday, February 25, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

I wonder if Darling was on the receiving end of those today?

A new low for Brown and the Pond Life at No.10

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

The Telegraph reports that No.10 are now going to turn their attention to Samantha Cameron. Even by Browns low standards this is appalling, not even the Mafia target their enemies wives. Needless to say No.10 will deny this and the Westminster lobby will do as they always do and drop it. Even the most hardened Labourite must know that there is something foul at the heart of this government. Browns desperation to hold on to power by any means necessary is something the whole nation should be aware of, they need to know that he doesn't have the same sense of right and wrong they do and dismissing something he's accused of because "no one would do that" is foolish.

Between now and the election we need to highlight every dirty trick, every lie and make sure as many people as possible know about it. It's no good relying on the useless bastards in the lobby, they do what they're told and are a disgrace to their profession. Twitter, blogs, comments in online papers and forums are where decent people need to be making a lot of noise.

Imagine what Brown will do if he's given another fives years, he's already made it clear he wants to change the electoral system to ensure we can never get rid of them. Imagine another five years of the unelected Mandelson lording it over us. Imagine another five years of Harriet Harman and her lunatic policies dividing communities and creating tensions.

Labour are evil and the sooner they are driven from power the better.

Gordon "Rocky" Brown Taiwan Style

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

This this is never going to get old.

Hat tip- Dizzy

Labour MP for Watford in Talking Shit Shocker!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

It appears Ms Claire Ward has been telling porkies, now there's a shock. Not content with telling lies about Tory plans to close the local hospital it also appears she wanted someone to lie for her so she could sue the News of the World.

The full story can be found on Iain Dales Diary.

Claire Ward Misused Her Communication Allowance

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Using the MPs communication allowance for party political purposes is not allowed and yet this is what has shoved through our door a while back.

On the front we clearly have a party political message, if you think otherwise then your a Brainwashed Nulab idiot. Click image to enlarge.

Now what's this on the bottom of the reverse side? Paid for by her Communication Allowance. Click image to enlarge.

Here's a close up.....

Would you vote for someone happy to use your money to promote their own agenda? I'm wouldn't be and that's why I posted this.

Angus Reid Has Tories 14 Points Ahead

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

From Politicalbetting.

CON 40% (38)
LAB 26% (25)
LD 18% (20)

The Sun Daily Tracker

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Here we go, weeks of pointless polls that change everyday for no reason at all. They do seem more than a little pointless. Anyway here's the starting places, showing Cameron is off to good start, Clegg is wasting his time and Gordon Brown is a cunt.

Labour Steal Taxpayers Money to Fund Electioneering

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

It never stops does it? all they do is take, take, take. These fucking parasites have run out of money so they decide to help themselves to ours, there's name for people like that. Cunts.


Labour Supporters and the Fantasy World They live In

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

I've always thought that voting Labour required a degree of self delusion, but recent events have lead me to believe that these people are barking mad. I've argued on doorsteps, forums and in pubs with people over politics and have come across quite a few deranged lefties but nothing had prepared me for Twitter. I've had a Twitter account for quite a while now but didn't bother using it, like many people I wondered what value knowing someone had taken a shit had. Anyway just recently I thought bollocks lets try this thing and it's opened up a whole new world. A world with an alarming number of people who actually believe the shit New Labour come out with.

These people actually believe that keeping people on benefits helps the poor, they think that success for the NHS, schools and the like can be measured purely by how much money you spend. You bring up a million dead in Iraq, they counter with the Tories don't like gays as much as Labour, as if one excuses the other. A couple of days ago I was accused of being a bigot because I don't want travelers shitting on my lawn, I'll have to try shitting on the lawn on a Labour supporter to see how understanding they are. They accuse the Tories of being anti Muslim yet when you point out it's not the Tories who killed well over a million of them and continue to do so they say nothing. Try mentioning child poverty, they'll tell you that at least they thought about it, the fact that they've fuck all about it is neither here nor there.

You have to laugh when these loons call other people Nazis, it's as if Labour are some freedom loving libertarian party. Its as if they can't see the CCTV everywhere, ID cards are a figment of the imagination, the DNA database is something made up by the Daily Mail and fingerprinting children doesn't happen. Maybe they live in a different country to the rest of us, one where the government is not an oppressive parasite controlling the population and bleeding them dry.

The recent posters have shown once again that these people are unstable, they think it's fine for them to suggest Tories eat babies but mention the unemployable on a Tory poster and suddenly the world has ended. The scary thing is these lunatics have been running the country for 13 years, Christ knows what mess Cameron is going to find when he gets into No.10.

I've never voted Labour before

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

An excellent new site is up to counter Labours poster antics so get on over there and have a look, even better contribute. My photoshop skills match those of Gordon Browns with a calculator but a couple from these horrors got put up. You find the site here.

BBC has 382 staff earning more than £100,000

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Nice to see Labours lackeys at the BBC are following their masters lead and lining their pockets. It's bad enough these bastards force us to pay for their left wing propaganda, now we get to make them rich as well. How many people have struggled to find the money to pay the TV tax only to have it thrown away like this? £150 might not be much to the BBCs overpaid staff but for some poor bugger stuck on a low wage or pension it's a small fortune. The TV tax has no place in todays world, it's a throwback to an era long gone. Privatise it or burn the bloody thing down, I don't care, just get them out of my wallet.


Labour falls further behind in polls

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

The latest poll from ComRes puts the Tory lead up to 11, the downside of this is Labour will be more reluctant to go to the polls early and we'll be stuck with them even longer. These last few months of Labours reign of hell seem to be going on forever.

CON 40% (+2) LAB 29% (-2) LDEM 21% (+2)

south east
Con - 49
Lab - 19
LD - 20

Con - 41
Lab - 29
LD - 22

north england
Con - 33
Lab - 40
LD - 20

wales & south west
Con - 45
Lab - 23
LD - 23

Con - 17
Lab - 34
LD - 16
SNP - 25

Im not too sure what to make of the idiotic questions they asked.....

"Gordon Brown has a warm human side to him"

Agree 50%; Disagree 43%

"David Cameron is a slick salesman but I worry about what he is like underneath":

Agree 56%; Disagree 36%

"I think the result of the forthcoming general election will be close":

Agree 70%; Disagree 25%

"The voting system in this country needs to be changed":

Agree 47%: Disagree 48%

Using a dead baby for electioneering

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Over the years we've seen what a nasty piece of work Brown is. We know he stabs friends in the back, attacks his staff, he hung Peter Watt out to dry, he knew all about Damian McBride but let him take the blame alone for the dirty tricks and he was quite happy to double the income tax on the poorest just to get one over on the Tories. This however is in a league of it's own, never would I have thought I'd see the day when a politician used his dead child just before an election to get the sympathy vote. Lets not pretend this is anything other than an election ploy, if it isn't then why now and why with his mate Morgan? If this makes Brown a complete shit what does it make his wife? how on earth she could agree to this is beyond me. The death of a child is always a tragedy but to then go on and use that death in such a cynical manner beggars belief.

Gordon Browns Election theme?

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

I certainly hope so.

Now you can't even hide in your grave from these bastards

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

Todays Times reports that Labour now want help themselves to the deads money. Now before any lefties cry "they don't need it any more" I'd like to point out that while that's true it doesn't mean their family or a chosen charity doesn't and it certainly doesn't mean Gordon Brown can help himself to it. There is something very wrong with taxing the dead, not just that the money has been taxed already but its also ignores the wishes of the deceased, how many people put HMG in their will? not many I'd wager.

Just as sickening in the threat to exclude the Tories from any discussion on care funding if they don't take down their gravestone posters, if this isn't playing politics with care I don't know what is. Anyway how dare they dictate to the opposition what they can and cannot use in their campaign, they really are the scum of the earth.

Linky to article