A new low for Brown and the Pond Life at No.10

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

The Telegraph reports that No.10 are now going to turn their attention to Samantha Cameron. Even by Browns low standards this is appalling, not even the Mafia target their enemies wives. Needless to say No.10 will deny this and the Westminster lobby will do as they always do and drop it. Even the most hardened Labourite must know that there is something foul at the heart of this government. Browns desperation to hold on to power by any means necessary is something the whole nation should be aware of, they need to know that he doesn't have the same sense of right and wrong they do and dismissing something he's accused of because "no one would do that" is foolish.

Between now and the election we need to highlight every dirty trick, every lie and make sure as many people as possible know about it. It's no good relying on the useless bastards in the lobby, they do what they're told and are a disgrace to their profession. Twitter, blogs, comments in online papers and forums are where decent people need to be making a lot of noise.

Imagine what Brown will do if he's given another fives years, he's already made it clear he wants to change the electoral system to ensure we can never get rid of them. Imagine another five years of the unelected Mandelson lording it over us. Imagine another five years of Harriet Harman and her lunatic policies dividing communities and creating tensions.

Labour are evil and the sooner they are driven from power the better.


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