Labour Supporters and the Fantasy World They live In

Thursday, February 18, 2010 Posted by Jim_Watford

I've always thought that voting Labour required a degree of self delusion, but recent events have lead me to believe that these people are barking mad. I've argued on doorsteps, forums and in pubs with people over politics and have come across quite a few deranged lefties but nothing had prepared me for Twitter. I've had a Twitter account for quite a while now but didn't bother using it, like many people I wondered what value knowing someone had taken a shit had. Anyway just recently I thought bollocks lets try this thing and it's opened up a whole new world. A world with an alarming number of people who actually believe the shit New Labour come out with.

These people actually believe that keeping people on benefits helps the poor, they think that success for the NHS, schools and the like can be measured purely by how much money you spend. You bring up a million dead in Iraq, they counter with the Tories don't like gays as much as Labour, as if one excuses the other. A couple of days ago I was accused of being a bigot because I don't want travelers shitting on my lawn, I'll have to try shitting on the lawn on a Labour supporter to see how understanding they are. They accuse the Tories of being anti Muslim yet when you point out it's not the Tories who killed well over a million of them and continue to do so they say nothing. Try mentioning child poverty, they'll tell you that at least they thought about it, the fact that they've fuck all about it is neither here nor there.

You have to laugh when these loons call other people Nazis, it's as if Labour are some freedom loving libertarian party. Its as if they can't see the CCTV everywhere, ID cards are a figment of the imagination, the DNA database is something made up by the Daily Mail and fingerprinting children doesn't happen. Maybe they live in a different country to the rest of us, one where the government is not an oppressive parasite controlling the population and bleeding them dry.

The recent posters have shown once again that these people are unstable, they think it's fine for them to suggest Tories eat babies but mention the unemployable on a Tory poster and suddenly the world has ended. The scary thing is these lunatics have been running the country for 13 years, Christ knows what mess Cameron is going to find when he gets into No.10.


mk_rev said...

Ditto on the recent Twitter revelation. There was one earlier on #ivenevervotedtory whining about how Tories engage in 'class hatred'!! Ha Ha Ha Ha! 'Tory Toffs' ring a bell?

There is NO POINT telling them what hypocrites they are. You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not use reason to reach.

They have hectored, whined and framed debate for 13 years now. Time they were just... ignored.

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